No Rules Rules – START- Book Club 2

Weil gemeinsam lesen noch mehr Spaß macht als allein, gibt es in den in den START-Bundesländern Salzburg, Vorarlberg und Oberösterreich regelmäßig die Möglichkeit an einem Buch Club teilzunehmen. Abwechselnd werden Bücher auf Deutsch und Englisch gelesen und anschließend besprochen. Aktuell haben sich die Stipendiatinnen das Buch rund um die Geschichte und Unternehmensphilosophie von Netflix „No Rules Rules“ vorgenommen und mit Englisch-Trainerin Emma Marnoch spannende Fragen zu Umgang mit Fehlern, Managementstilen und ihre eigenen ersten Erfahrungen damit in der Arbeitswelt diskutiert.

Das sagen die Stipis dazu:

Raoushan – START-Vorarlberg: “Everyone knows Netflix, but I don’t think everyone knows what the working system of Netflix is like. It’s very interesting how Netflix has evolved and improved. Giving open feedback is not found everywhere; not having to please your manager is certainly very rare, and the best thing is that you can make your own decisions and use your ideas yourself, which helps you become more creative and free. But it’s hard to get a job at Netflix because only talented and innovative people work there.

Together with different federal states, we discussed the book, and everyone was allowed to express their own opinion and speak freely, so I was able to understand the book better and, of course, use my English skills. I’m looking forward to more great books.”

Ranem – START-Salzburg: “This is my first time joining an English book club. I really enjoyed discussing the book with other stipis and hearing other opinions on a specific topic. I liked it so much that I will definitely join one next year!”

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