To strengthen the speaking skills …

Regelmäßig, einmal pro Monat, treffen sich die Salzburger Stipendiat:innen, um Ausdruck und Konversation auf Englisch mit Trainerin Victoria zu verfeinern. Der Kurs findet abwechseln online und in „real life“ statt, damit möglichst viele Sprechsituationen abgebildet und geübt werden können. 26.02.2022

Stipendiatin Rokesstan: “Today’s English course was relaxed with lots of exciting speaking exercises.  Everyone got a small role just before the end of the course today, and everyone had to bring their arguments into the conversation. The topic was to talk about the pros and cons of city life in Salzburg. The exercises were appropriate for everyone.“

Stipendiatin Masooma: “In this English course we strengthened our speaking skills. We were divided into groups  and discussed different topics such as social media, vegan, online learning and so on. We also learned examples of How to express opinion or asking for an opinion, neutral/formal/informal agreement and disagreement. The conversation course was great because I learned a lot of new things. I look forward to the next English course.“

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